The synthetic material made by the polymerizing of molecules of monomer and materials derived from petroleum or natural gas and coal, known as Plastic, is found and being used almost everywhere in the contemporary world. Having achieved a pivotal status in the recent decades, plastic is being used very extensively in industrial, commercial, municipal, and medicinal applications, among others. While its demand has been increasingly dramatically, plastic also produces the waste that is known to have become one of the most common forms of marine debris. It is marked to be one of the growing, major pollution problems in the world. Especially the micro plastics that accumulate in sediments and oceans across the globe are reaching dangerous concentrations. In the new-found awareness and worldwide drive to avoid water pollution and air pollution, we, the modern day people, require the assistance of technology such as Marine Debris Tracker, the innovative debris tracker software.
“Mapping Trash on Waterways and Coastlines is Crucial in Facing the Water Pollution Challenge”
The Grim Water Pollution and Air Pollution Caused by Rampant Use of Plastic
The plastic pollution problem in the world has been snowballing since last few decades. Amid grave situation, the consolation is the public awareness as well as action taken by authorities and enthusiasts to put off this catastrophe. Millions of tons of plastic waste is found to enter the oceans of the world from the coastal regions. Statistics show that an alarming volume of plastic waste has been invading our natural resources, threatening to void them of their potential, if left unmanaged and controlled.
In the recent times, it has been proven that plastic trash equivalent to 5 grocery bags piles up on every foot of our planet’s coastline. Now, that is a really alarming and astounding but distressing amount, considering the environmental safety and general well-being of mankind. While air pollution triggered by plastic waste spoils our environment, making it close to uninhabitable levels in some places, plastic pollution in oceans cause unimaginable harms to the creatures living in the oceans, such as turtles, coral reefs, whales, and seabirds, again causing a negative impact on the overall ecosystem of the universe.
With the advent of technology in several fields in unprecedented ways, innovative technologies such as the Marine Debris tracking app come to the aid of the modern man for cleaning up the beaches and the water bodies of the world. By just logging in debris items along the beaches and following certain very general guidelines, we can make a difference and contribute to saving our environment from the plastic pollution menace.
“Make A Difference by Checking Trash on the World’s Coastlines”
The Role Played by Marine Debris Tracking app in Saving the World’s Oceans and Water Bodies
Air pollution and water pollution have been recognized globally as environmental issues growing at an alarming rate. Especially, the wide-spread use of plastics leads to the marine ecosystem across the world getting affected by man-made refuse that composes mostly plastic waste.
Including a list of items such as plastic bottles, bags, cans, and other several manufactured materials that end up along the coasts and in the oceans, debris in seas and oceans today has become an aesthetic problem. It also causes severe impacts on marine habitats and organisms, while leading to serious threat to the mankind. Marine Debris tracking app helps fight this grim situation by enabling users to submit valuable data that helps mapping crucial information about the debris and its location.
Using the innovative marine debris tracking app, you may report easily about where you find marine litter or debris anywhere in the world and facilitate cleaning up of the same by the concerned authorities. This results in preventing marine debris from impacting the seas and oceans.
“One of the Greatest Threats to Ocean Health is Plastic Pollution”
How Does the Marine Debris Tracker Work?
The modern Marine Debris Tracker has been created with the primary goal of using unique expertise and innovative technologies for adding environmentally crucial and culturally relevant information and outreach tools about the Marine Debris Program. It aids in spreading awareness of marine debris and serves as an effective and simple tool that enables collection of marine debris across the world.
Initially developed with the intention of collecting information about marine debris and preventing marine pollution that affects global oceans and seas, this Android and iOS software lets users to check in when they find trash or litter on the world’s waterways and coastlines.
Since a major portion of debris tracking is likely to occur at probably remote places and on water where Internet connectivity may not always be possible, the software allows users to log on and track all items that they come across, and store the information. They may submit the information when they return to the place where they get Internet connection.
Developed with assistance by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program, the Marine Debris Tracker tool empowers not only scientists but also the community to log litter they come across. The information thus collected helps in providing maps of where marine debris is found, allowing people to view the type and volume of debris found in specific locations.
“Not just a Threat to Marine Life, Water Pollution and Air Pollution Caused by Plastic Waste Spell Doom for All Living Beings in the Globe”
Benefits of the Marine Debris Tracker Software
Recent updates in the software has added options for users to track their walk, indicate items that they picked up in the course of their route, and make a continuous note of all things. This eliminates the need for logging each item separately with its location, thus simplifying their task while providing flaw-less information regarding the debris.
Users who are not part of organized clean-up campaigns may also contribute data about debris, thus strengthening the program. Regardless of where they live or where they travel, users are enabled to contribute reliable and vital information that helps save the environment from the threat of air pollution as well as water pollution.
Apart from being easy-to-use, we customized ManageTeamz tracking application for Oceanologists and the Marine Debris Tracer app is invented. with its unique design, provides scientists the effective tools that they require. This software can be used offline.
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